the chronicles of my journey to a thinner me

My Progress    The webs free Diet Diary
Mini Goal - One-derland

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

HYC Week 20 Goals - Results

Just a quick post (a day late) to update my results for Week 20 HYC goals:

Goal Checkup for Week 20
Drink 64+ oz water 7/7
Journal all meals and snacks 7/7
Stay on plan 7/7
Run/walk program 3/1 intervals - 4/4
Minimum 45 minutes moderate exercise 3/4 only 20 min on Sunday DH not well - did exercise every day though
Earn minimum 29 activity points by end of day Monday May 26 - 32/29 APs earned
Minimum 4 blog entries - 4/4

So, all in all, I did pretty well. I'll spare you all of the tiny details. I ate almost all of my APs. I think I had one or two I didn't eat. I went into my Flex Points by 20 - but that's not bad considering I did go out on Saturday and drink some beer.

I think this goal thing helped me a lot this past week, so I'm going to keep at it.

Sorry I didn't get to check in yesterday, I was off work and just didn't get to get online at home. I have dial up and I just hate to do it from there. Plus DH hasn't seen my blog yet, andI want to keep it to myself a little longer. I can't wait to catch up with everyone at lunch today.


Kitzzy said...

Great work! And you even exceeded your AP points (that's good, right? I am not on WW so I am still getting used to the terms).

Girl with a Problem said...


Yes you get Activity Points based on your weight, the length of the activity, and the level of exertion. The more/harder you exercise, the more APs you earn.