the chronicles of my journey to a thinner me

My Progress    The webs free Diet Diary
Mini Goal - One-derland

Friday, June 13, 2008

So far so good...

Weight: 209

OMG, I accidentally typed that as 290 the first time! What would you think of me then if I actually gained 80 pounds since yesterday. Better question, what would you think of scale boy?

Anyway, I was happy to see the 209 this morning - so happy I'm not even upset to give up a point. I'm at 25 points as of today instead of 26. Woohoo!

Started out to do an 'easy' run (I swear I don't know who I am any more) last night. I've been trying to stick to the 3 10/1's on M/W/F/Sa and do 30 min of running, but in easier increments on Tu/Th/Su. Anyway, I was planning on doing 6 5/1's, then I started thinking how if I did 6/1's I'd only have to do 5 intervals instead of 6. So I decided on 6, but when I looked at my watch, I had already run almost 7 without realizing it (again - who am I?) so then I had one minute to make a decision. I decided to do 4 7/1's and a final 2 min run. The first 7 went really easy. I was relaxed and it was no biggie. The 2nd one was a little harder, and the last one passed being fun at about the 3 min mark. All that said, I completed it and that's what matters. The workout also included about 15 min of brisk walking for a total of 45 min exercise.

Ate late again last night, but it was pretty light. DH had bar-b-qued chicken breasts before I got home, so all I had to do was nuke it and pour some salad out of a bag - et Voila! It was really good. I looked it up and had plenty of points, so I ate the delicious crispy skin and all. YUMMY!

HYC Checkup

64+oz water - CHECK
journal food - CHECK
5 fruits/veg - CHECK
stay on plan - CHECK
Run 30 min 4/7 days - 3 days so far
Earn 30 AP's - 18/30 earned so far

In other news, I found this new challenge that I'm going to start next week. It's like the couch to 10K only for pushups. At the end, you should be able to do 100 pushups without stopping. For me, this will be like having a heavy sofa on top of me to a 10K, since when I did the test I could only muster one decent push up - and decent is probably being kind. Anyway, I've always hated not having any upper body strength, and I am planning on wearing a slinky dress to the Christmas party this year. It would be nice to get more fit and have a killer back and arms for the dress. I'm slightly skeptical of this one, but then again it's only been 2 months that I went from barely being able to run 1 minute to being able to run 10 with relative ease. For any of you who want to join me in this foolishness, here's the link:

Have a great weekend everyone!


Kitzzy said...

Oooh! Thanks for that link to the 100 push-up challenge. I've been trying to incorporate them into my training, but I always do better with a plan and goal. I'm going to start this next week too!

And way to go on your progress so far with the running and healthy choices. You are doing supper!

Melzie said...

Holy crap! 100 poush ups.. like real pushups?! WOW!! I do mine on the wall, standing up. :)

Thanks for the boost on running. You know- I tried it last night! I made it a little way before I had to walk, and everytime I saw car lights I stopped, LOL! But I did a little bit. I was, and still am, so very proud!!!

I like your goal of 30 minutes... I think I'm going to adopt that!!

Kitzzy said...

I wonder if there is something similar for crunches. I really want to make both of these part of my weekly routine.

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Great run!

I signed on for the 100 pushups, too! I'm not sure I can make it (not in 6 weeks anyway), but it will be fun working toward the goal. I did 30 tonight, which is twice as many as I've ever done before, so it may just be possible. Good luck to you!

Viv said...

Sweet job on the run and the weight is just dropping off ya....