the chronicles of my journey to a thinner me

My Progress    The webs free Diet Diary
Mini Goal - One-derland

Friday, March 7, 2008


Sorry no posts recently. I've just been so busy at work.

I have not been blogging, but I have been on plan and journalling everything. I've been doing really well. We had one day where we went to a new bar near our house and I know I went over probably by 6 or 8 points, but that's why I don't really do flex. It allows me to do something like that every once in a while and still lose. I feel like it also makes up for anything I underestimate points on.

Anyway, drumroll.................

17 pounds lost so far! Woohoo

That's 17 pounds in 6.5 weeks. I'm really pleased with that.

I'm off to Norway tomorrow for a week. I am expecting good results from that. From what Elaine tells me, it is easy to get the kind of food that I want to be eating. Also it's very safe there and our hotel is right next to a lake with a path around it. Also you can walk all around the town. She wants to walk for a hour a day after work and I am up for that. Hopefull I'll come back from Norway 20 pounds lighter than I was on Jan 29th. I am so pumped for that.

Hubby is doing really great. He's lost 25 pounds at least and looks really great. We are planning all the things we will do this year that we didn't want to do before. I personally can't wait to wear a sexy halloween costume for the first time. Something short - maybe a cheerleader or a naughty nurse. :) I also am excited about buying a dress for the company Christmas party this year. I'm so glad I'm doing this. More later, bye!

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